report share. Ellaria. In many ways, Oberyn and his younger sisters childhoods were opposite. He named the fifth one, Elia Sand, after his late sister. Oberyn Nymeros Martell, nicknamed the Red Viper, is a fictional character in the A Song of Ice and Fire series of epic fantasy novels by American author George R. R. Martin, and its television adaptation Game of Thrones, where he is portrayed by Chilean-American actor Pedro Pascal.. Oberyn Martell PoV. Prince Oberyn Martell, commonly referred to as the Red Viper of Dorne, was a member ofHouse Martell, the ruling family of Dorne, and the younger brother of Doran Martell and the late Elia Martell, and the father of eight bastard girls known as the Sand Snakes. "I’ll tell you a secret, something they don’t teach you in your temple. The sister of Prince Maron. Oberyn Martell; Ned Stark; Robert Baratheon; Doran Martell; Jon Arryn; Catelyn Tully; Hoster Tully; Lysa Tully Arryn; Cersei Lannister; Jamie Lannister; Tywin Lannister; Female Oberyn Martell; Summary. And taken Prince Oberyn Martell, aka The Red Viper, with it. Oberyn and Ellaria are both bisexual and have an non-monogamous relationship. Game of Thrones, episode eight, The Mountain and The Viper, has finally come and gone… WARNING: This post contains spoilers. He may seem like a layabout or a rogue agent, but he cares deeply about his family. He developed a fierce hatred for House Lannister as he believed Tywin Lannister (Charles Dance) was the one to order his sister’s murder. It features Inigo Montoya from 20th Century Fox's The Princess Bride and Oberyn Martell from George RR Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire. Oberyn defeats Gregor. That would be none other than the Dornish prince, Oberyn Martell, who died on … Oberyn Martell stepped onto the scene in Game of Thrones and immediately stole hearts. The Dornish themselves are especially hateful of the Lannisters who they believe to be behind Elia's death. I suppose this is as good a place as any to discuss Oberyn’s motives for coming to King’s Landing; his sister Elia and the obvious fridge she was stuffed in. When in his teens, Oberyn traveled with his mother, the ruling Princess of Dorne, and his sister, Princess Elia Martell, and met multiple potential marriage candidates for his sister, visiting castles at Starfall, The Arbor, Oldtown, The Shield Islands, and Crakehall. His confession moments before his "death" erased all doubts. Oberyn Nymeros Martell, Prince of Dorne. It was in Oberyn Martell’s DNA to die. 0 comments…. The words had been "Father should have stayed and slain the Lannister scum- Cersei is disappointed and plans to kill Tyrion another way. Another bit of irony in Oberyn's history: he did, in fact, say, "T oday is … The rebellion is lost. Oberyn Martell comes to King's Landing seeking revenge on the death of his sister Elia Martell. Background [edit | edit source] Oberyn was very devoted to his family, telling his lover Ellaria that any other person would always have to wait behind her for his affection. In this Game of Thrones episode, Oberyn Martell takes this trial-by-combat personally and has his “Inigo Montoya” moment (from Princess Bride) in seeking to avenge his sister. However as a man of mercy I will give him a quick death and end his pain. Go on, do it, it’ll be a relief. [3] While they differ in appearance, they are said to all have their father's eyes in shape if not in color.[1] Comments and insights on the name Oberyn Personal experiences with the name Oberyn Nicknames for Oberyn Meanings and history of the name Oberyn Famous real-life people named Oberyn Oberyn in song, story & screen "Game of Thrones" popularized this name with its fictional character Oberyn Martell, also known as the Red Viper Oberyn Martell is a bisexual character from Game of Thrones. Oberyn spent his time mocking Elia's suitors. This endears then to fans from a smut perspective. 1 Biography 2 Appearance 3 Personality 4 Sexuality 4.1 Reaction 5 Relationships 5.1 Ellaria Sand 6 Tropes 7 See Also 8 Navigation This section is in need of major improvement. You now may gasp collectively. Oberyn Martell was the younger brother of Prince Doran Martell, the liege lord of Dorne. Prince Oberyn, known as the Red Viper of Dorne, is the younger brother of Doran Martell, the Prince of Dorne, and the late Elia Martell, wife of Rhaegar Targaryen, the late Prince of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne. She was married to Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, heir to Aerys II, and bore him two children: Rhaenys and Aegon. Oberyn is fairly badass—he’s nicknamed the Red Viper because of his habit of dipping his blades in deadly poisons—and he wants to destroy the Lannisters for raping and butchering his sister. Near the end of their combat, Clegane confesses in front dozens of people that he raped and killed Elia Martell. Obery waits for Gregor to confess before he kills him, and while that ended up being Oberyn’s undoing, it makes sense. He didn’t have a choice, you knew he didn’t. “My sister,” Oberyn said. She is the younger sister of Prince Doran , the current ruler of Dorne, and an older sister of Prince Oberyn. When in his teens, Oberyn traveled with his mother, the ruling Princess of Dorne, and his sister, Princess Elia Martell, and met multiple potential marriage candidates for his sister, visiting castles at Starfall, the Arbor, Oldtown, the Shield Islands, and Crakehall. Tyene Sand, the short haired sister held her dagger and shouted out at Doran. First, there’s Prince Oberyn of House Martell of Dorne. Coming to an empty home with his sister’s bones he has no idea what to do next. which Prince Oberyn yells repeatedly to The Mountain, imploring him to say it, to confess to the murder of his sister Elia Martell and her children, before Prince Oberyn kills him. 1 Appearance and Character 2 History 3 Recent Events 4 Supporting Characters Oberyn Martell is above average height with an athletic build. Why are the dornish princess? See more ideas about a song of ice and fire, game of thrones art, asoiaf. The duel was only to first blood given Oberyn’s age and status. No man dared tread on him.” This week we will be discussing Prince of Dorne, all around badass, and one of the most popular characters of the series, Oberyn Martell as a way to celebrate a life that was sadly ended on the show this week when he fell before Ser Gregor Clegane during the trial by combat of Tyrion Lannister. That included Oberyn's sister, Elia, who was married to Prince Rhaegar Targaryen at the time. ... His sister is avenged and his place in the halls of badassery is assured. Married to Lady Mellario, of the Free City of Norvos, he has three children: Arianne, Quentyn, and Trystane. Prince Oberyn Nymeros Martell, also known as the Red Viper, was a Prince from Dorne and brother to Prince Doran Nymeros Martell is the head of House Martell, Lord of Sunspear and the Water Gardens, as well as being Prince of Dorne. Oberyn Martell/Reader; Oberyn Martell/You; Oberyn Martell/Original Female Character(s) Oberyn Martell/Original Character(s) Oberyn Martell; Margaery Tyrell; Ellaria Sand; Summary. Trained in the arts of fighting as well as magic and water manipulation, Maya was enchanting and endangered. Oberyn Martell: The last time I was in the capital was many years ago. He is from the Game of Thrones franchise. Like her older brother Oberyn and older sister Elia she is popular and admired by among the Dornish people. Prince Doran Martell, is the head of House Martell, the Prince of Dorne, and the Lord of Sunspear. InTheArmsOfUndertow. Martell had traveled to the capital to avenge the death of his sister, Crown Princess Elia Martell, at the hands of Ser Gregor Clegane during the sack of King’s Landing 17 years prior. blew my mind! Doran is unable to walk due to a bad case of gout that has left his knees, toes and hands reddened. [Oberyn chuckles] Why did you come to King's Landing, Prince Oberyn? When Tyrion is too embarrassed to answer Oberyn after he asks if Tyrion knows what happened to Oberyn’s sister, Ellia, Oberyn puts one finger under his chin and says, “I asked you a question.” His passion and vengeance is then displayed in his fiery speech about his sister’s rape and murder. Oberyn has a lined face with thin eyebrows, black „viper“ eyes and a sharp nose. Naturally, Oberyn was burning for revenge. When he was a teenager, Oberyn was accompianed by his little sister Elia on a visit to Casterly Rock. Oberyn Martell : When we met your sister, she promised she would show you to us. The gods envy us. Cersei looks angry and frustrated, while Ellaria, Jaime and Tyrion smile in relief, thinking that the duel is over. That was his downfall. Who they are: Oberyn and Ellaria are wedding guests in from Dorne. He is the older brother of Oberyn Martell and Elia Martell. Tyrion Lannister: I thought we were speaking truth. Then with a sneer I stared at the man. This single-minded purpose left him open to death. From Oberyn Martell, Now this had begun the argument. Oberyn Martell finds out that The Mountain will be the one that will fight against Tyrion’s champion. Oberyn was born in 257, When in his teens, Oberyn travelled with his mother, the ruling Princess of Dorne, and his sister, Princess Elia Martell, and met multiple potential marriage candidates for his sister. Struggling against a domineering father and a life she frankly didn't want, Cersei finally agreed to a loveless marriage with Robert Baratheon. Prince Oberyn Martell is a member of House Martell, the ruling family of Dorne. This Oberyn Martell quote is rated: 3.1 from: 31 votes. Jan 19, 2017 - Explore Jason Maki's board "Oberyn Nymeros Martell: The Red Viper", followed by 777 people on Pinterest. May he suffer in hell. This man had killed my nephew and niece, had raped my sister with their blood on his hand. With poison Oberyn wins. “Hello, my name is Oberyn Martell. Another wedding. Mayaka is the elder sister of Loras and Margaery Tyrell and as different as they come. Summary. Maya Tyrell is Margaery's older sister but has been brought up completely different from her lady like sister. Watch later. He is the older brother of Oberyn Martell and Elia Martell. Following the Sack of King's Landing, when he learned that she was raped and murdered by a Lannister knight, Gregor Clegane, along with her son and how her daughter was killed by another Lannister knight (Amory Lorch), he attempted to raise Dorne for Viserys. Cersei Lannister has been bereft of a positive female influence in her life since her mother died when Cersei was a child. Prince Oberyn Martell's Story Prince Oberyn Martell also known as The Red Viper, has come to get justice for the murder of his sister. She married King Daeron II as part of the deal concocted by the then king Baelor I that brought Dorne under the rule of the Iron Throne. At the news I swiftly glared at the widened eyes of Lord Tywin. Naturally, Oberyn was burning for revenge. Then I pierced his head with my spear. I will begin with Ser Gregor Clegane, who killed my sister's children and then killed her with their blood still on his hands before killing her, too. He is bisexual and has eight illegitimate daughters, collectively known as the " Sand Snakes ". He was very close to his older sister Elia, and seeks revenge for her death. Oberyn Martell is a prince of Dorne, the hottest, southernmost region in Westeros. Burning Water // Oberyn Martell by Jade Cross 1.5K 16 12 Maya Tyrell is Margaery's older sister but has been brought up completely different from her lady like sister. Say what you want, but to me the Red Viper of Dorne is as bad ass as they come and one the best characters in the books hands down. Oberyn denies his involvement in the King's assassination but flat out blames Tywin for his sister Elia's murder at the hands of Gregor Clegane. Prince Doran Nymeros Martell is the head of House Martell, Lord of Sunspear and the Water Gardens, as well as being Prince of Dorne. This Oberyn Martell quote is rated: 1.73 from: 11 votes . After Catelyn Tully dies in childbirth, which costs both her and the babes life Ned Stark thinks he’s cursed. Every day we would ask. Princess Elia Martell was the sister of Doran Martell, the Prince of Dorne and head of House Martell, and Oberyn Martell, the Red Viper. They're intrinsically connected in a way that isn't immediately apparent. Please help improve this article by editing it. Oberyn was born in the 257th year after Aegon’s conquest (AC – The year Aegon began his conquest for Westeros). Rhaegar tosses his twin children to the side, when better options become available. Oberyn was an intelligent, talented, cultured, and good man who honestly didn’t deserve to die the way he did to the very same man who brutally murdered his nephew and sister. It was one of the most memorable deaths to take place in Game Of Thrones history.. And Pedro Pascal made fun of Oberyn Martell's gruesome demise while at … That episode. Lannister Game Of Thrones Margaery Tyrell Dorne Oberyn Martell Oberyn. Oberyn Martell finds out that The Mountain will be the one that will fight against Tyrion’s champion. This video includes all of the Martell and Martell Household deaths in the series of a Game of Thrones. It is an unusual form of inheritance in the middle ages as most societies would practice Agnatic Primogeniture, meaning the first born MALE inherits, regardless of whether or not he has an older sister) became the rule of inheritance in Dorne. He was nicknamed the Red Viper, for his tendency to poison his weapons, and leave his injured foes to linger in pain for days on end. Elia Martell, Doran and Oberyn’s sister, was wed to Rhaegar Targaryen, King Aerys II Targaryen’s son and heir to The Iron Throne. I did add some Dornish soldiers in there as well. 1. I am the brother of Elia Martell . When in his teens, Oberyn traveled with his mother, the ruling Princess of Dorne, and his sister, Princess Elia Martell, and met multiple potential marriage candidates for his sister, visiting castles at Starfall, the Arbor, Oldtown, the Shield Islands, and Crakeha… Why they fought: Oberyn volunteered to stand for Tyrion in his second trial by combat, knowing it would be his chance to avenge his sister's rape and … When Ned comes to Dorne, he finds his sister with not only a boy by Rhaegar, but a girl as well. Younger brother of Prince Doran Martell.. They had four sons together: Baelor, Aerys I, Rhaegel and Maekar I. Game of Thrones: My Name is Oberyn Martell. Then with a sneer I stared at the man. Stay with me, lay with me, kiss me, and then we can talk about the old man.” Tagged as Oberyn Oberyn Martell Oberyn x reader Oberyn imagines Oberyn Martell imagines Oberyn Martell x reader Game of Thrones GOT Game of thrones imagines got imagines nonrequest imagines Oberyn Martell's actions also are responsible for the enmity between House Martell and House Tyrell. Some rumors hold that Oberyn is bisexual. ... Martell’s sister Elia was raped … See more ideas about a song of ice and fire, winter is coming, pedro pascal. His hair is lustrous and black with only a few silver streaks and recedes from his brow into a widow’s peak. Oberyn Martell: I was invited to the royal wedding. Tywin "categorically" denies the murders but does offer to set up a private meeting between Oberyn and the Mountain if Oberyn agrees to be a …

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