Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Angst - Draco M., Harry P. - Words: 7,673 - Reviews: 67 - Favs: 1,041 - Follows: 192 - Published: 12/28/2010 - Status: Complete - id: 6599309 Harry's breathing quickened and his heartbeat sped up. During first year, a very unpleasant howler was sent to Professor Snape, thanks to James Potter and Sirius Black. Fred and George however, found the whole incident brilliant and wouldn't stop following the first year around. They're wrong. When Severus had finally finished feeding Potter he got up from the chair to take the potion back to its cupboard. When the Slytherins decide to pull a seemingly harmless prank on Draco's new boyfriend and longtime rival, Harry Potter, things don't necessarily go as planned - and Draco finds himself having to save the day. It seemed the other man could not even respect Draco’s inner monologue. One day, Harry happens to see Fred and George doing something and takes a look. He had to get out of there alive. Established relationship. Após um infeliz incidente bêbado, Harry Potter é fotografado beijando um garoto; nada disso seria grande coisa se esse garoto não fosse nada menos que Draco Malfoy. Dumbledore is immensely impressed. Harry Potter was in the Malfoy Manor, finding a way to escape. He had always known that Harry hadn’t had a great childhood, but how horrible was it? First 4 chapters are their work not mine! 4K 147 5. Terri Heard; August 10, 2018; Share 1. Dudley would steal food for him when no one was looking. HarryPotterFanfiction.com is an archive of Harry Potter Fanfiction stories of all types and no restrictions. They are trying to stop Peeves from knocking a poster down, so they are using a Temporary Sticking Charm, which is supposed to last for three weeks. And he wasn't alone. Harry thought eventually he would want to do that one day, but he knew next to nothing about the subject. After dying they get a do over, sent back to their 11 year old selves. HPDM, established relationship, one-shot. Harry's breathing steadily increased until he was nearly hyperventilating, his shoulders rising and falling rapidly in the wandlight. Harry Potter and the Berserker is a Berserk/Harry Potter crossover fic by deathbearABC123.. Halloween, 1990. 16 years old and the wizarding world savior. Take Our Free 5-Day Writing Mini-Course! The Harry Potter franchise started in 1997 with the publication of The Philosopher’s Stone (while the U.S. version, The Sorcerer’s Stone, was released a year later).It has since been followed up with 6 more books to wrap up Harry’s saga, and several more tie-in books. A Harry Potter fanfiction where harry becomes stuck in his animagus Preferably a normal inconspicuous but anything works and His future girlfriend (s) finds. Forbidden Hearts. He first washed his hands thoroughly, and then washed his aristocratic face and silky black hair. Harry accidentally lets slip to Ron that the Dursleys made him sleep in a cupboard for 10 years. Discovery [ noun] /dɪˈskʌv·ə·ri/ - The process of learning something that was not known before, or of finding someone or something that was missing or hidden. 'It is not so terrible of the insane to go insane in the first place.' Also, Ron and Hermione with other characters (Sirius and Remus are an option) I expect end up finding out Harry slept in a cupboard etc. It was the fact that Draco was stuck in a closet with Harry Potter. Maybe Ron was right and Hogwarts needed a class on dealing with the opposite sex. Harry had come home and read it straight through, cheeks burning the entire time. You had food pushed through a cat flap because you were likely in trouble, and they wanted to punish you. Harry scrambled up on all four as he heard the door lock from the outside. Looking down, he saw that Potter's sweaty hand was fastened to the black fabric. A guy from our world where Harry Potter canon and fanfic exists gets plopped in Ron's 11 year old body during H&H's do over. Pin 47K. Hazel herself is a powerful being who had the killing curse that weakened Voldemort rebound onto her to. Telekinesis, shapeshifter, hand magic, and energy only a taste o Harry appeared in a small cupboard, which was completely clean with a small light overhead. !” Draco didn’t bother turning to look at the speaker. Harry Potter and the Paradigm Shift. Accidents happen Chapter One - A new home: Remus sat by the window of the coffee shop, staring out at the rain splashing down on the cobbled street. But this isn't their story. Harry Potter lived in a cupboard under the stairs until he was almost 11 years old. The sky was a cloudy grey with shafts of light peeking through occasionally, Remus took a sip of his coffee before returning to his watching. Draco Malfoy was there as well - His arch nemesis. linkffn (12740667) Has a similar premise. It breaks 100 thousand words, of which something like … 7 Devastating Harry Potter Fanfiction Stories That’ll Shock You To Your Core . Are there good, preferably completed versions of this kind of plot? It’s called “The Lie I’ve Lived” from jbern. Tweet. Not in an Island bound by ancient magic. On one of their Auror missions, Harry gets trapped in a cupboard under the stairs. Yes, I noticed all the locks on your door. Harry becomes a master at Legilimency and by extension, Occlumency before he starts at Hogwarts. The Cupboard Under the Stairs3 was Harry Potter's room in the Dursley household until he was given Dudley Dursley's old room, at 4 Privet Drive in Little Whinging, Surrey. It was his second year at Hogwarts, he had barely survived his first year and only by some sheer miracle had he managed that. Most of fics will be a character traveling back to his younger self, but ocassionally there will be just a time travel. We’ve all gotta go some time. Hazel Potter is Harry’s long lost twin, who is fighting the evil terrain of school. Harry…   Harry and Draco are in their third year at Hogwarts. Come read, write, and explore our site. But to the Death Eaters he's known as the boy who destroys their dreams. Harry flinched back violently and gasped out, "Don't touch me." Dudley had hardly been able to stand being in there for more than a few minutes, but a week? He pressed his face against the small ventilation in the door trying to get the last ounce of daylight before it snapped shut and the darkness surrounded him. 17 Harry Potter Fanfics to Read Before You Die. *The GIFs are not explicit* Better Off Forgotten by Delancey654. report. Beware of fluff. 38K 929 9. Not that he slept much. 28.1K 944 5. You have to read it like a completely new and entirely different story, as if the original Harry Potter never … Harry Potter dies on a Tuesday afternoon in the summer of 1986. The Death Eaters are after Harry … Harry Potter, Severus Snape and Draco Malfoy join together in an alliance no one, especially Voldemort, is expecting. :) 34 comments. Reading this with the mind of someone who knows the Harry Potter novels by heart (and loves them) won’t do. Petunia goes white, Vernon goes purple, and then they're moving. As he stood he felt something grab the edge of his robes. I’m Malfoy, Draco Malfoy by FairyWish23| Learn How We Protect Fan Artists. This is a Harry Potter fanfiction story for people who want to read adventures as far away as possible from the canon. Or is he? Harry Potter had been in the cupboard under the stairs for a long time. You can learn to avoid cliches, think creatively, and make your readers forget they're reading a fanfiction at all, which is the goal. Disgusted, Severus slapped the hand away, but Potter's grip did not loosen. You were locked in the cupboard under the stairs because that was your bedroom. Severus snapped, prying the small fingers from his robes. Harry James Potter = Scorpius Orion Thomas Lucien Remerus Potter-Black. Out of tens of thousands of fics, I've compiled a list of top ten that stuck with me over the years. Here, you will learn the dos and don'ts of the wizarding world, and how to handle your fanfiction in a way worthy of Rowling herself. “Can you stop? Mature. Notebooks and Letters, originally posted on fanfiction.net in 2007 and 2008, is the last of my three novel-length Harry Potter fanfiction stories. Harry Potter, before he knew the truth about his existence, was a victim of trauma and abuse at the hands of his aunt and uncle. While the cupboard might have become iconic like so many other concepts in the Potterverse, the fact is that it symbolized a very dark childhood for the boy wizard. 95% Upvoted. He soundlessly opened the door and walked to the bathroom. No slash. He knew that strange and freaky things happened around him, and that they were bad. Harry had grown bright red during their rant and refused to look anywhere except for his hands. Anyone who’s ever believed in romance and in magic has also, if just as a passing thought, wondered about a love potion. Harry James Potter. He's still clutching a thin, hole-riddled blanket in his now cold hands. When he managed to fall asleep that night, he'd dreamed of Ginny. Chapter 1. I do read on fanfiction but I prefer A03 for the 'entire story' button. Coming in at about 300,000 words, it is a retelling of the last three books of the series. This is THE ULTIMATE GUIDE to Harry Potter fanfictions. He also finds out that he has been lied to his whole life. It was a book about sex. He'd stuffed it in his socks so Teddy wouldn't find it when he came over. Email. Harry and Draco both get the potion on themselves and have to go into Snape's office and strip off their robes to get the potion off of themselves. “Stop what?” he asked, bored. It was, after all, his bedroom. Now he's thrown in the deep end. Arthur Weasley mentioned this during Christmas 1996 while talking to members of the Order of the Phoenix . In 1992, when Harry accidentally arrived to Borgin and Burkes via Floo Powder, he hid inside the Cabinet without fully closing the door, to avoid Borgin, Lucius, and Draco Malfoy. Arthur Weasley mentioned this during Christmas 1996 while talking to members of the Order of the Phoenix . Reddit. “They locked you in your room,” Ron’s brothers looked at him confused, “if they locked you in your room and didn’t feed you right, did they lock you in that cupboard?” Harry looked … Based on Robst's fanfic "In this world and the next" where Harry and Hermoine get betrayed by their best friend, Ron. The Cupboard Incident Chapter 1, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction. A scrawny little boy, Potter is introduced when Aunt Petunia bangs on the door to this cupboard — more like a closet really — in a bid to jerk Harry out of his sleep. There was no way, no possible way that after everything else he had watched his best friend go through that Harry had slept in a cupboard. Harry … After been in prison for 5 years, Harry is acquitted for a crime he did not commit. Quando a foto é vazada para a mídia e todo o mundo bruxo passa a saber do suposto relacionamento dos, até então, inimigos declarados, eles são obrigados a encenar um falso relacionamento para a própria segurança. save. You were stuck in the tree because your family simply did not care whether or not that dog bit you. Oh yes, I noticed the writing on the door, the cot on the floor. Their description: Harry Potter he's a trouble maker. Harry Potter fanfic. Any suggestions/links are much appreciated. A sneeze echoed through the tiny space and Draco rolled his eyes. Time travel fics in Harry Potter fandom. It's up to him and his lawyer to save the day, while running to save their own. After spending hours and hours in the small cupboard, … It seemed like an awfully harsh … Things that made him a Freak. Where Harry loves being babied and Louis gladly gives him all of his attention. Mature. Hogwarts AU 8th Year. He retreated to the other side of the cupboard and sat … A Vanishing Cabinet. Harry began to have night terrors. Well, there’s that one fanfic where Harry meets his girlfriend (Fleur) in his animagus form—happens later on tho. Harry unknowingly becomes a master occlumens by meditating in his cupboard. Harry couldn't get away from Malfoy. Severus/Harry mentor, Harry/Draco friends. His eyes darted around the room trying to find something to latch onto, but all his vision could pick up was darkness. 47K Shares. HPDM, established relationship, one-shot. Severus crept forward and placed a tentative hand on the boy's shoulder. And it uses superbly polished prose and a rock-solid sense of the realities of human nature to write a story that truly is magical. The Severitus sub-genre (in which Severus Snape becomes or is revealed as Harry Potter’s father in some way shape or form) will never run dry and thankfully it’s because of stories like this one. During the First Wizarding War, numerous witches and wizards used Vanishing Cabinets to anonymously disappear if the Death Eaters visited. he added and couldn't help but think of the small, crying boy he had seen in Snape's memories huddled in the corner – now, in his head that small boy was crying in the filthy cupboard for days, and he remembered all those years in his own cupboard, and knew, he knew precisely that if he had gone to school with James Potter and Sirius Black, the big-headed Gryffindors would have picked him to … share. At the age of five, Harry knew many things. 1. On some level, Harry was aware that if things were fair, he would sleep in a bedroom on a normal bed and not in a cupboard on a thin mattress with only a threadbare blanket. … They find him the next day when he doesn't answer Petunia's shrill calls. The Chosen One, Our Savior, The Boy who Lived. There was nothing unusual about that in some ways. Pumpkin -l.s age regression by afriendlydumbass. When Potter had accidentally turned their teacher's wig blue (which even Dudley had to admit was kind of funny) they'd locked him in his cupboard for a little over a week. His new found freedom is short lived when the real criminals threaten the lives of the people he love. He was often punished by being locked into his cupboard without meals. Snape had glared with such hatred at the young Potter boy that everyone near Harry hadn't dared to look up at the Potions Master. In the end there is a small section of people going to the future. Potter was practically standing on top of him, anyway. "Let go!" Harry Potter dies in the dark, alone and hungry. This was written for the 2004 National Novel Writing Month, and was written in something like thirty-two days. She didn’t die though merely got stronger. He knew how to hide his emotions, because it only made the Dursleys angrier. Subscribe. The … Continue reading 17 Harry Potter Fanfics to Read Before You Die → Fanfiction Writing Masterclass × Rec Lists; Home; About; Blog; Contact; Our Blog. There was just enough venom in his voice to make Severus back off again. Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality by Less Wrong is probably the most unique HP fanfiction piece in existence. On his 17th birthday Harry comes into his creature inheritance. Granted, he'd been allowed out to go to school, but they hadn't fed him except for a slice of toast at each meal. Afterthewar Fanfic Deatheaters Weasleys Hermionegranger Ronaldweasley Harry Romione Harry Potter. Every one of these is complete—there are some abandoned fics that I enjoyed, but they won't be included. In order to enjoy it, you have to get out of your own head. At times Harry would incur the wrath of the Dursleys. He always hangs out with the wrong... bottomharry; babyharry; crossdressingharyy +10 more # 12. The Cupboard Under The Stairs (Harry Potter) Summary. Share. It tells the story of a very different Harry Potter: brought up by his scientist stepfather and a loving aunt Petunia, the boy possesses an intelligent, inquisitive mind and a healthy bit of skepticism. hide. To this day, Harry/Hermione, H/Hr, or "Harmony," as it is sometimes known, remains one of the most prevalent het pairings in Harry Potter fanfiction. (Yes, this means it was not finished when the month ran out.) He couldn't leave the Island. He disturbed Vernon and Dudley less from his cupboard. He liked to hide in a cupboard under the stairs so it was made his room. And the bars on … The Cupboard by GreenEyesGreySkies. The morning light was only beginning to appear, so he still had time to wash up and eat a few bites of food. Harry Potter is known by many names.

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